Getting glowing & acne-free skin is what everybody dreams of, but only some people have it. Many people think that it's totally natural and you can't do a thing about it but in reality changing a bit of things in your life, can lead you to healthy, glowing & acne-free skin. So here are 5 tips or things that you should do in routine to achieve your dream skin.
1. Regularly Icing:
Icing regularly improve the blood circulation & soothes the inflammation. For this reason, icing reduces tiredness of the face and makes it bright and glowing.
2. Stop Caffeine Consumption:
Although ,some of us would love to drink cold coffee or tea in summers, but it's important for us to know about the side affects. Caffeine, used in coffee, tea & chocolate, is consumed by every other teen, which is one of the reason for pimples & acne to get worse. Secondly, caffeine can interfere with your hormones, because of it's acidic properties, causing an increase in the oil production of skin.
Drinking the required amount of water for your body on daily basis, can be a game changer. Water not only hydrates the skin, making it fresher, but also help to flush toxins, reduce pimple & acne, and prevents wrinkles.
4. Sleep:
Teenagers and adults, mostly compromise on their sleep due to work load. Doing this is extremely wrong, for both physical & mental health. Getting enough sleep will remove tiredness from your face, giving it a glow.
5. Using Sunblock:
Sunscreen or sunblock should be a essential part of your routine. SPF protects your skin from the UV rays of sun which can damage your skin. Applying it daily in the morning & using it after every 2 hours if you're out in the sun can reduce the chance of sunburn, pigmentation & uneven skin tones.
Performing these acts on regular basis can help you achieve your dream skin this summer. If you have other tips so don't forget to share it with us in the comments.
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